Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions that we are most commonly asked.

Q: Where can I purchase the products on your website?
A: All of the products include links to the places that they can be purchased. From time to time the item might have been removed from the retailer's website, and we do not have control over that.

Q: Do you accept paid submissions for your website?
A: Absolutely, please review our guidelines for submitting a new product. We receive lots of submissions, but only feature select products that we feel will appeal to our visitors. We respond to all inquiries.

Q: It appears that a product is no longer active on the site. Is it broken or where can I find it?
A: Our retailers frequently update their websites, as we similarly are adding products each day. If you notice that a link is not working on the site, or a product is no longer available for sale, feel free to contact us and let us know about it!

Q: Do you accept any new categories on your website? I really enjoy your site, but I wish there was a category for XYZ!
A: We are always open to suggestions to making this site better for our end-users! If you have any feedback that you would like to provide, simply send us a message and we'll promptly reply.

For additional questions, feel free to contact us with any other questions you might have!